Sonntag, 20. März 2016

hello there

Well , hello

So i am asking myself if this is really even nessesary to read.....i mean you have stumbled in here so i guess why not read this stuff.
My name is...i should probably use a nickname , useing my real name would give to much away...
just call me Neko , Neko Styx.
pleased to meet you.
now , if you are in a bad mood...this will not improve it , this is basically my diary of fuck up´s and depressing experiences (atleast mostly , in the rare case that i have positive news i´ll say so in the title)
this is a little safety-measure i took so that instead of takeing pills or throwing myself of a bridge , i can just bitch and cry on the internet.
yeah its that kind of blog.
anyways , i guess thats all you need to know as a reasoning , but i guess i should give you some atleast general overlook over who i am.
i am a 16 year old female student , i am german ( no im not a nazi nor un-humourous) and only telling you this because i may make some mistakes here and there...which is of course unimportant in the context of this site but i care about grammar damnit!
I like all kinds of stuff and i am a music junkie , bla bla.
so in any case thats all you need to know for now since im not even sure if people still even read blogs.
i mean , its 2016....isn´t blogging dead by now?
Well , i guess if anyone actually reads this crap you could ask me questions or , i dunno , tell me stuff and ask for my opinion?
this is my first blog so....i dunno how this works...does anyone really know?
anyhow , i just noticed i use the word ´any´ way to often , this is pretty much my first post for general introduction and if you made it through the whole thing , i congratulate you.

thanks for listening.